(This is media release from RedBalloon )
Is it really that bad?
Yeah I don't think it's really that bad
If you only think of things that you haven't got
You could have it all and still never have enough
So don't worry (don't worry), be happy (be happy)
This is part of a song by musician Bobby McFerrin, released in September 1988 telling us even something horrible, Don't worry, Be Happy. I remember the 2006 movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith. A biographical dram film based on Chris Gardner's nearly one-year struggle with homelessness and find Happiness when won the coveted full-time position despite his situation.
What is Happiness for you?
Our friends from RedBalloon made a new survey has found 87 per cent of respondents are happy with life overall, and when it comes to what makes us smile we need to get back to basics.
Regardless of age, gender, where we live, how much we earn or how happy we are with life overall, the one thing that united all 2489 respondents*, and was guaranteed to put a smile on their faces, was spending time with family and friends.
It was the number one activity leading to happiness in every category of the survey, including:
- Age – from under 18 to over 60 years of age, this activity received 44 per cent of the vote. It spiked for the under 18 group with 69 per cent of the vote, and the over 60s at 53 per cent.
- Gender – 41 per cent of men and 44 per cent of women say time with their loved ones is the key to putting a smile on their dial.
- Income – no matter their combined household income, from $50,000 to $150,000 a year plus, 44 per cent of respondents enjoy time with those dearest to them.
- Location – Western Australia is the happiest state, followed by NSW, Victoria, South Australia then Queensland. But overall it doesn’t matter where respondents live, spending time with family and friends gathered 44 per cent of the vote.
- Happiness with life overall – regardless of their level of happiness (ranking from “extremely unhappy” to “very happy”), 46 per cent just want quality time with their loved ones.
According to RedBalloon CEO Kristie Buchanan, the findings indicate a desire for the simple things in life, like more time to create memories with our loved ones.
“RedBalloon is in the business of creating happiness, so we wanted to find out what gives people joy,” Ms Buchanan said.\\“We asked what would put a smile on their face, and most people – regardless of age, gender, financial situation or any of that other cosmetic stuff – just want to spend time with those dear to them.
“What a great message to see on International Happiness Day.”
To celebrate International Happiness Day, RedBalloon, a brand synonymous with fun, embarked on finding out what makes us happy. The other key findings were:
- Happiness levels in the different areas of life are:
- Home life – 89 per cent are “mostly” or “very” happy
- Where we live – 77 per cent are “mostly” or “very” happy
- Social life – 75 per cent are “mostly” or “very” happy
- Health – 70 per cent are “mostly” or “very” happy
- Work life – 67 per cent are “mostly” or “very” happy
- Finances – 48 per cent are “mostly” or “very” happy. This was the most unhappy category overall.
- Only 8 per cent of respondents ranked themselves as “very happy” when it came to their personal appearance, with 62 per cent saying they would be happier if they were slimmer. 20 per cent are satisfied just as they are.
- 88 per cent of women and 85 per cent of men are “mostly” or “very” happy with life overall
- To be happier at work, 34 per cent of respondents want more money and 18 per cent want more recognition.
- When ranking which aspect of life they put the greatest importance on in terms of happiness, the average ranking was:
1. Home life
2. Health
3. Financial situation
4. Work
5. Social life
6. Personal appearance
* The survey was conducted with 2489 respondents via an online survey between 28 February and 14 March 2013.
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