Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith... - Steve Jobs
It's Friday night. I was walking along Smith Street going to Daly Street when I saw this Man holding a big poster saying "Need Job". Then, I realized how lucky I am, I have good job sometimes you encounter billigerent associate. But still I have a good manager, who understand her employees. Love your Job.
I approached the man and introduced myself. I started asking him some questions such as "Why he is doing this?". He answered me " I love to travel around the World". His name is Lucu Rohrer from Switzerland have been in Darwin for almost 8 weeks now and currently staying at Melauca on Mitchell. While I'm interviewing Mr Rohrer , Mr. Joshua Foti, a managing director of yourlocalatm approached us and offered Mr. Rohrer a Job and handed a business card to him to give Mr Foti a call as soon as possible.
All I can says , God works in mysterious way and even you don't knowing it. This is a good lesson to me and everyone else. Stop complaining on everything. Love your job. I remember Anna Kupka who wrote an article in Forbes Magazines entitled "Why you need to Love you job".
"Loving ones job is not only a “rare-to-find-nice-to-have”, no, it is essential for our entire society and for our overall well-being. The workplace is the place where we spend most our waking time and people hating their jobs is throughout the world one of the main reasons for economic downturns. If we would all use our unique talents to serve humanity (and we all have these talents!), there would be no unemployment and no stress-related illnesses." She said .
I wish you Good Luck Mr. Rohrer
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