Unleashing the hellhound

Over the weekend I went to City Gallery in Town to witness some famous Arts and sculptures on exhibits. I was fascinated for being creative and using simple materials to create a unimaginable Arts.

Until I friend of mine introduced me to Mr. Blair Simpson thru email and told me to email Mr. Simpson regarding his Arts works and so I did.

Mr. Simpson from Johnsonville began his obsession four years ago ,teaching himself how to sculpt and paint from scratch. Inspired by the beasts that roamed Middle Earth's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

His arts works are typically large- the hellhound in the picture above weights 20 kilograms and are made from a wire frame and a polymer clay.

"I discovered my ability for sculpture when I first attempted it in October 2003, and my first sculpture was an orc, as it was the success of Weta and the Lord Of The Rings that prompted me to try," Mr. Simpson said

He only wish is to devote far more time to his art. By day. Mr. Simpson is a customer service representative at a bank . By night that the only time devotees himself to the creation of the most ghuesome evil and dark creatures he can dream up.

"My wish now is to devote far more time to my art. Everything I have produced so far has been in my spare time while working 40 hours a week for a bank," He said.

Mr. Simpson said, He also planning to set up an exhibit for his works and to produce far more impressive pieces.

" I would love to exhibit my work in a suitable venue. All of my work is for exhibit and sale. I should stress that I don not consider myself an exceptional artist at this stage and I only started teaching myself four years ago. But I believe my love of the genre and my commitment shows in my work," He point out.

According to Blair, He already sent his porfolio to both Weta workshop and Hell Pizza,but still eagerly awaits a call-back.

" I have always been fascinated by the fantasy genre, and m

ystical beasts in particular. I think that fascination is common to many of us and you see it a lot in children - consider how enthusiastic they are about even factual creatures such as dinosaurs and large predators.", He said.

To find out more about Blair and his Arts: visit : www.darkmythos.co.nz or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLq0U87_5pg


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