Bike for Poverty

Over the weekend, thousand of Cyclist enthusiast met at Hataitai Park for the wild mountain bike relay.

The bike relay like no other – right next to the centre of the city, close to the best cafes, night life. On a special 6.5 km course through Mt. Victoria.

Riding the Wild Wellington Mountain Bike Relay are fun physical challenge, but can also be a great way to help Oxfam NZ support communities in the Pacific, Asia and Africa. Oxfam’s work links local level action with international campaigns to make trade fair, control arms and make poverty history.

The Wellington City Council has been working hard on the tracks around Mt Victoria in preparation and there is a real mix of cool down hill sections, narrower single track as well as a small amount of road – for recovery or over taking

Aside from bike relay, coffee and food are served for extra wind power and entertainment all day with a band in the evening.


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