RedBalloon means Happy Experiences


The other day, a friend of mine was very excited and showed me a gift voucher from Redballoon for a V8 race front seat car ride.

The first word in my mind was “Awesome “.

I remember last May I post an article “Pursuit of Happiness” based on the survey conducted by Redballoon has found 87 percent of the respondents are happy with life overall, the one thing that united all 2489 respondents, and was guaranteed to put a smile on their faces, was spending time with family and friends.

I went to their website to check the voucher that my friend have and the description said “Ride in the front seat of a V8 Australia race car. A professional driver will you around like there’s no tomorrow”.

This goanna be an ones and life time experience for my friend and I happy for him.

What is RedBalloon?

RedBalloon is an online experience retailer. A pioneered experimental gifting in Australia and New Zealand and have delivered more than 1.8 million experiences to consumers and businesses since launching in 2001.

“RedBalloon has started a happiness revolution - one amazing experience at a time! We believe everyone deserves to have fun, feel good and be happy. We believe happiness starts with a drop, becomes a ripple and creates a wave. And we believe happiness is amplified when shared. Put simply, we are in the business of fun and are passionate about giving people more good times.” Kristie Buchanan, CEO Red Balloon.

RedBalloon has come a long way from its humble beginnings – born in the front room of Founding Director Naomi Simson’s home, with little more than a second-hand computer and her canine companion Dexter.

 Do you want to have a great experience? Like my friend. Check out Red Balloon and you will love it.


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This site is about my personal experiences and how to make life better. It also covers topics on fashion, lifestyle, family, parenting, Arts, Events, Travel and Places, Photography, Online Shopping and foods among others.

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