It's more fun in the Philippines

After seven years overseas, I finally come home to my “Perlas ng Silangan” with my wife and kids.  My flight to Manila takes only 4 hours from Darwin in Australia by Jetstar Airways.

I arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport around 6am and the first thing I do.  I went to my favorite fast food chain.

 I missed the food. Ha! Ha!20130701_055538

I was frustrated with the traffic and drivers who do not followed traffic law particularly in the EDSA. No give way ,even you are on the right line and I’m also annoyed with motorcycles playing cat and dog on the highway.

My three weeks’ vacation is not enough to explore the Island of the Philippine and teach my kids the value of being a Filipino, the culture and attitude.  The first thing I noticed, to many SM mall from Pasay, Taguig, Ortigas, Quezon City up to Baguio.

Next morning, I visited my father and relatives in Santa Rosa, Laguna to check them and as well to introduced my two kids to them. We went to New Zealand last 2006; my daughter is only almost a year old while my son is only 6 years old.

[caption id="attachment_4114" align="aligncenter" width="300"]My father and my Mother with my  Sister and Brother back home My father and my Mother with my Sister and Brothers back home[/caption]

At lunchtime, the kids requested for a chicken, so we went to KFC in Tagaytay and enjoyed the scenery of Taal Volcano. Then, we went to the Pink Sister church to pray for all the blessing.

[caption id="attachment_4112" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Taal Volcano Taal Volcano[/caption]

Next Day, we left Manila in early morning to go to Manaog Church in Pangasinan to asked for guidance and blessing.

[caption id="attachment_4115" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Manaog Church Manaog Church[/caption]

After the mass, 8 hours drive to Baguio City which we only stay for one Night. Baguio City is overcrowded and traffic is bumper to bumper. Unlike, the first time I visited here 12 years ago during the National Press Convention.

Anyway, some of the place, we visited are:

DSCF6083The Bell Tower Church in La Trinidad


The Minesview and among others. I also visited my relatives in Zambales. It’s been a decade since the last time I was here.

[caption id="attachment_4107" align="aligncenter" width="300"]My relatives in Zambales. My Auntie and My GrandMother My relatives in Zambales. My Auntie and My GrandMother[/caption]

We also went to Corregidor for a whole day tour with nanay Yoland and Tatay Nerio . So,that my kids learned the history of the Philippines.

[caption id="attachment_4108" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The blogger The blogger[/caption]

As the Philippine Department of Tourism says " It’s more fun in the Philippines". For the first time, me and my wife with relatives,a two day bar hopping from Klownz in Quezon City to The Library and Cafe Adriatico at Malate.

 Wally at Klownz

Wally at Klownz

 By the way, Thank you to all the staff of The Bayleaf Hotel in Intramuros,especially to the Front Office Manager for a warm welcome. I love the Skydeck and the foods.  .

[caption id="attachment_4118" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Overview of Manila at Skydeck Overview of Manila at Skydeck[/caption]

 After all the travelling and sightseeing, We celebrated the 60th birthday of Nanay Yolanda. Actually , that is the main reason, why we visited the Philippines.20130629_104639

Thank you to my family and relatives. See you again.


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