Last October 22nd, my friends from the Mighty Mighty lunched their first ever The Mighties Awards 2008 with 17 entries. Thank you ,Mark Mighty. And here are the winners for this years awards:
1. Mighty well placed - The Teza Award for product placement
- Thomas Owen - "Message is the Bottle"
- Brian Hainsworth - "Tasty Milk Sensation" *
2. Mighty stylee - The CHOP Award for best hair, make up or costume
- Jenna Cockeram- "Anfibious exploration of the nocturnal muse"*
- Mitch - "a bad chewing gum Karma"
- Rajeer Mishra - "Sandwich"
3. Mighty Arty - The Gordon Harris Award for most arty
- Justin Taulu - "Message from God" *
- Lucy Edwards - "The Edge"
- Dhyana Beaumont - "Below"
4. Mighty good words ow - The Peoples Coffee Award for great words
- Dean Hewison - "Take That, Future Me" *
- Ed Davis - "Christian Hate by Daniel Cooper"
- Thomas Owen - "Message is the Bottle"
5. Mighty Thirsty - The Mighty Mighty Award for hard yakka
- Jenna Cockeram- "Anfibious exploration of the nocturnal muse"
- Joshua and Caleb Finegan - "Espionage" *
- Thomas Owen - "Message is the Bottle"
6. Mighty Stupid - A bunch of silly stuff we got from the $2 shop
- Brian Hainsworth - "Tasty Milk Sensation"
- Rajeer Mishra - "Sandwich"
- Josh Samuels - "Phillip and Bront" *
7. The Mighty Undies - The Mightiest of The Mighties for 2008
- Justin Taulu - "Message from God"
- Jenna Cockeram- "Anfibious exploration of the nocturnal muse" *
- Thomas Owen - "Message is the Bottle"
- Dean Hewison - "Take That, Future Me"
Peoples choice: Thomas Owen - "Message is the Bottle"
Best too long disqualified - Stephen Templer - "The wreck of the Diddley"
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