Stand up against poverty

In 2000, leaders of 189 countries signed the Millennium Declaration agreeing to do everything in their power to end poverty. They pledged to do this by achieving the Millennium Development Goals, a roadmap to end extreme poverty by 2015.

Campaigners worldwide will STAND UP and TAKE ACTION to push their governments for more and better aid, debt cancellation, education for all boys and girls, healthcare, trade justice, gender equality and public accountability.

This year, to make sure more people can take part, we will Stand Up between October 17 – 19, as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty unfolds across the world.

In New Zealand, Tomorrow , in cooperation of the Art of Living Foundation and  United Nations Millennium campaign is hosting  a public event in Wellington Civic Square to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Povert

The event will feature music from local reggae band IROOTZ and (because it's an election year) speeches by some of your favourite MPs: Charles Chauvel; Annette King; Stephen Franks; Sue Kedgley; and Keith Locke.


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